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Bible Verses
Sing the praises of the Lord, you his faithful people; praise his holy name. For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime; weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning.
~ Psalm 30:4-5 (NIV)
Bible Verses
Hear my voice when I call, Lord; be merciful to me and answer me. My heart says of you, “Seek his face! ” Your face, Lord, I will seek.Do not hide your face from me, do not turn your servant away in anger; you have been my helper. Do not reject me or forsake me, God my Savior.
~ Psalm 27:7-9a (NIV)
Bible Verses
All my longings lie open before you, Lord; my sighing is not hidden from you.
~ Psalm 38:9 (NIV)
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Bible Verses
Tremble and do not sin; when you are on your beds, search your hearts and be silent.
~ Psalm 4:4 (NIV)
Bible Verses
This is what the Lord says:
“Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who draws strength from mere flesh and whose heart turns away from the Lord.
~ Jeremiah 17:5 (NIV)